November 6: It's a milestone day here at the chicken ranch - I found the first egg from my new hens this morning. It was on the floor of the coop - poor baby (don't know if it was Maran or Carmen) doesn't understand about nest boxes yet. I took the picture of the pullet egg alongside a light brown Barred Rock egg (courtesy of Arlene) to show how deep chocolaty brown the Marans eggs are.
November 17: This is the corner of the pole barn opposite the coop and the site of what will soon be Coop # 2. With the cold weather everybody's inside and cabin fever has already set in. I've got a bunch of crabby chickens and the big ones are picking on the little ones - so it's time to spread out. Construction starts next week.
November 24: My little Golden Polish hen, Angitou, laid her first egg! She is so proud!
November 27: Applause in the coop today! Emily the Silkie laid her first egg - my first Silkie egg ever!!