Meet the Flock Roundup - March & April 2018

 Moe the Salmon Faverolles saunters through the tractor alley in the pole barn. I let the girls into this normally chicken-free space occasionally in the winter to break the monotony. On warm days I open the pop door to the chicken run whereupon all the hens rush to the door, take one look out and exclaim, “What?? There’s still snow out there!  Why would we go out there?”

Here’s Moe’s friend, Paula the other Salmon Faverolles pullet. One of her normal features is wet chin feathers—her feather “beard” is long and tends to dangle in the water when she drinks. So, a dry-bearded Paula is a truly a rare and momentous occasion and worthy of a photograph!

Rose the Golden Laced Wyandotte pullet was standoffish as a chick, but as a young adult is so underfoot when I go into the coop that I have to be careful not to trip right over her. Is she just super-friendly or is she trying to do me in?

Here’s one more shot of sweet and lovely Rosie.

Nicky the Cream Legbar wanders around the pole barn and thinks wistfully of being outside. Someday all this snow will go away and spring will really come!

My little buddy, Snowball the Silkie Rooster, passed away in April. I like to imagine that he’s now in a place where the grass is soft, the ground is covered with treats, all chickens free range in lush meadows, and it is always springtime. He held a special place in my coop and my heart. The Hipster Hens and I are all going to miss him. 

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